Friday, October 24, 2008

Guess if you can

Ok, how many of y'all can guess what it is that I am in the proses of making? I am missing two small parts of it but it should not make much of a difference as they just might make it harder having more things in there.

When I am done I will post another picture so y'all can find out the answer.

The Texan~

6 Remarks:

Marks of Faith said...

I know, I know, it is a .............. I'll wait to see what other people guess. But, I have one in my house! : )

SavannahLynn said...

Alright what is this!!!I really cant tell:1 Oh well,you better hurry up!!!
Savannah Lynn

Robert L. said...

It is rat right? A cat? No, no it's giant snow cone maker!
But then you really would not want me to give it away. So I will not.

Robert L.

Rebecca said...

Hey y'all,
Well I am almost done! I was hopping to get it done today but other plans were made so that I did not get to work on it as much as I would have liked. But by Monday I should be done and have a picture up for y'all.

Rebecca Marie

Lauren said...

Hmmm,it looks like a puppy dog to me?
I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Lauren Ashley

Robert L. said...

Right on Lauren.