Thursday, January 29, 2009

God's Glory Shown in Texas Sunsets

This month I have been trying to take a picture of the sunset every night for this post however I did not fully succeed do to the weather which kept going back and forth between so cloudy that no color could get through or there would be no clouds at all which made for beautiful days but rather plain sunsets as you will see from the few days I bothered to take pictures when in this condition but anyways some of them I think are very pretty and show God's glory in making such beautiful scense for us in the evening so I hope y'all enjoy this post of Texas Sunsets!

January 1st.
This is taken while I am sitting on our horse pasture fence.
January 2nd.
Taken the same place.
January 3rd.
Taken at Hazelbazemore park.
I think it is simply beautiful.
January 6th.
This is one of the days that I bothered to take a picture with out any clouds.
January 9th.
I am now standing on the back of Robert's truck for the rest of these.
I love the clouds in this one the way they fan up.
January 11th.
I really like this one the color is great.

January 12th.
This is the only one that I edited in picasa and all I did was crop it
because having it smaller brought out the natural color a bit better.
January 18th.
January 20th.

January 22nd.
The clouds are so cool.

January 23rd.
I loved this sunset! (I wish the picture would show all it's beauty.)
I took so many pictures of it I had a hard time deciding which to use.
January 27th.
I like the wispy clouds.

January 28th.
I love the color in this one.

I hope y'all enjoyed these pictures of Texas sunsets. :) I know I enjoyed taking them and posting them. Hope you all have a great day.

The Texan~

Monday, January 19, 2009

Today in CSA History


1807 Gen. Robert E. Lee was born.

1861 Georgia seceded

1862 The battle at Mill Springs

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Is that a hat?

Ok call me stupid. While the Candlers were here the three oldest (Josiah, Sierra, and Lenna) had showed first me and then many other people a song and dance, which they later let me record so I could put it on my blog and I somehow forgot about it when I did my post, so here it is now. Enjoy.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Spending time with Friends

As y'all know from my last post some of our really good friends came down from IL late last month to visit their family and us. :P It was so much fun! We played more games of Texas Tornado then I thought possible in the amount of time we had together and still managed to play about four games of Ultimate Frisbee and about eight games of Volley Ball, there were also other things too of cores such as, I never, Mafia, Imaginiff, and X-Box. So as you can see we almost always had something going together and if we were not doing some big group activity you could find us girls talking. :) (most the time however we did our talking at about 2:00 AM.)
Here are a few pictures that I took at random times with my new camera I got for Christmas.

Sierra and Lenna

Sierra with her camera

Right after playing Ultimate Frisbee at the park

Playing Texas Tornado

Same as above

Sierra and Cromwell

Lenna and Cromwell

Sierra and Elita right before we did our fireworks

The fireworks
(taken by Lenna, I could not get my timing right)

Saying farewell to our friends at 7:00 in the morning.

I would write more but things are kinda all run together in my mind to much because we were just having fun going from one thing to the next! So I can't wait till the next time y'all come down!

The Texan~