Wednesday was a very big day for us because not only is it are first day of cooking but our really really good friends were arriving that evening. They got here at about 10:40 and Savannah and I went straight into talking :) and we talked till somewhat late into the night. :P
The next morning we cooked five pies together and then latter we cooked all the rest of the food it was so much fun! Then some other friends of ours and our grandparents came over and we had dinner.

These are my friends Savannah and Meredith
Thanksgiving dinner
After dinner we cleared the tables took them down and set up the ping pong table! It was a lot of fun, we played Texas Tornado(aka around the world only we changed it a bit) for about a hour plus. :) After wearing ourselves out on the "table of pain" (as we call it) we headed outside to play washers, toss the Frisbee, and talk, it was so much fun. At about 11:00 the Bernhards had to leave and we started in on cleaning the kitchen and even that was pretty fun because we got to talk and visit while doing so. By the way during the night I started to have a little bit of trouble speaking since I was still recovering from a cold.
Friday when we got up Jo could not speak at all just about and I was going down hill fast. So we mostly spent the day watching movies and listening to Lauren and Savannah tell very interesting stories. Later that night when Jo and I could talk better Lauren, Jo, Savannah, Calvin, Robert, Jay, and I all stayed up in Jen's old room talking till 2:00 AM most of it was fun.(those who were there will know what I mean by "most", was it 85?. :P)
Also during the day we got out my mother's guitar for Jay to see since he knows how to play and he did a few songs for us, he does a really good job. Here is a video of part of all of us singing Be thou my vision. (Note: at the end the noise in the background is Nathan telling us that Jen and Christopher were at the door) Sorry it is so dark.
Saturday we went to the beach together and once there we split up into little groups. The younger kids played in the water, Savannah and I walked up and down looking at shells, the guys tossed the Frisbee, and Lauren and Johanna took pictures in their white dresses.
After a while a game of Ultimate Frisbee was proposed and excepted. At first the teams were Robert, Savannah, Daniel, and I against Calvin, Jay, and Julia. In the begining we were winning 3 to 0 but then Julia was too tiered to keep playing and left so Daniel went over to the other team and we ended up losing 7 to 6 (or was it 5?) but we still had a lot of fun.
The Frisbee players
Jo and Lauren showing us "something" they had found :D
lol long story :P
Just before we left some of us went to work on sand castles or mounds as was the case with Savannah and I since we started five minuets before we left and knew we did not have time for anything else.
Julia and Caroline with their castle
Savannah and I with our volcano
The Guys with their castle
Lauren and Jo with their dresses
About an hour after we got home from the beach some really good friends of both of our families came over. As you can most likely guess the first thing us girls did was talk. :) The Guys on the other hand went out a did archery. (which I hear was sometimes pretty funny) Latter after dinner a bonfire was started and we all went out side to talk, sing along with Jay on the guitar, and talk some more till the fire died down and we were forced to retreat from the cold. Soon after we went back inside our friends had to leave and it was time to clean up and go to bed.
Sunday was good and we enjoyed going to church together but it got pretty sad once we got home because it was time for our friends to leave and that is always nothing to look forward to. We tried to stall as much as we could but in the end they still had to leave all the same and it left us all filling rather alone and the house very quite.
Our wonderful friends just before we said good bye
That ends this post about all our friends we have been with over the last few days there was a lot to be thankful for this week.
The Texan~
P.S I still have not recovered my voice and I hear that Savannah has now lost hers too.
12 Remarks:
Get to feeling better girl! Nice post. The East just need to move down...don't you think?
Oh! I wish I could have been there! It looks like you had SO much fun!
In Christ,
Jen: Yes they absolutely HAVE to move down!
Hannah: It really was a lot of fun having them! Our families have been really really close since I was six.
Rebecca Marie
We had a great time didn't we? I like your pictures, we are waiting for my Dad to download ours. I think it would be allot of fun to live closer too! There are so many things we could do together...But I guess we will just have to accept whatever the Lord wills right now, I'm glad we are closer though :)
Love in Christ,
Lauren Ashley
Hey Becca,
Yes I am having trouble with my voice/throat but nothing as bad as yours was:)It was sooo much fun!!I cant wait till we can do it again!
Oh,I think it was 86:P but I could be wrong ,most of it was fun though:/ I really like the last picture of our family you will have to send it to us along with others.
Savannah Lynn
Lauren: Yes we must be thankful for how close the Lord has aloud us to be at this time and pray that some day it will be closer.
Savannah: I am so sorry that I got you sick. Did you get my e-mail? I sent you a whole bunch of pictures earlier.
I can't wait till y'all come down again or we get to go up there again. It is just so much fun to be together.
I love and miss all y'all
Rebecca Marie
Hey Rebecca, Oh this makes me soo jealous!!! I want to play Frisbee sooooooo badly!!! Here is way to white with snow, I miss you all so much...:) I hope and pray we'll be able to see one another soon. Love you!
Yep!!I got the pictures and will send some soon:)Don't worry about the cold its nothing!really:)
Hey y'all,
Sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to ya. I had started to replay but I guess I did not finish or it did not go through.
Savannah, I am glad the pictures went through, I would love to see y'alls. I hope you get better soon I am almost back to normal.
You know Sierra, if y'all would come down sometime you could play Frisbee too. :) But really y'all do need to get down here it has been to long since y'alls last trip.
I love the both of y'all,
Rebecca Marie
Hey there Rebecca,
I don't know if you remember me, but we met each other at the family conference if VA this past summer.
Just thought I'd say hello and that I hope you don't mind if I follow your blog. (:
Hi Sydney,
Thanks for dropping by! I don't mind at all if you follow my blog, is it alright if I follow your's?
Rebecca Marie
Hey there!
Thanks for following my blog! I like to see my "followers" number go up!
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