Well I said that I was going to do a post about my nephew and I am doing so only I had hoped to do a post about his baby shower we had last Sat. but instead I am going to have to ask y'all to pray for him because he was born May 16 at 8 pounds and 8 ounces, like all babies he lost some weight and then gained it back and was over 9 pounds when he left the hospital nine days latter (As most of y'all know he had to spend this much time in the hospital because after being born he developed a type of pneumonia) after leaving the hospital he was doing very well but in the last three or so weeks he has started losing weight again and had dropped down to a little above 7 1/2 pounds way below his weight at the time of his birth, the doctor said to put him on formula and he had gone back up to 8 pounds and 12 ounces but now he has once more lost weight and is now 8 pounds and 1 ounce, we have no idea why he can not retain weight so please please please pray for my young nephew Cromwell Rutherford Marks he is a little over six weeks old and is having alot of trouble. Thank you so much to all who have before and are now praying for Cromwell.
Rebecca Martinez~
Monday, June 30, 2008
Posted by Rebecca at 4:57 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Jen/Cromwell
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I shall try
Ok I am going to try and get up a post about my nephew tomorrow if I can find the camera.
The Texan~
Posted by Rebecca at 9:28 PM 1 Remarks
Labels: Jen/Cromwell
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Things that are going on
Well now that we are back from the Conference (I will try to get up a post about it soon I hope) we are trying to get back on schedule slowly but surly. Last night and today Jennifer and Cromwell come over and they will be continuing to do so for a while because when we were gone Star one of Jen's horses got tangled up in some barb-wire and really badly hurt her leg and we will most likely never be able to ride her again which is a really big heart brake because she was one of the best horses to ride and very gentile with little children, but she is healing very well and is at our house right now to be looked after until she is better; so Jen will be coming out to check on her most every day.
Today Johanna and I made some things for the Meet the Baby shower that we are having on Saturday, and we spent alot of time helping Jen with Star and with our little Nephew. So we did that and tried to clean a little and I looked at my math to see if I remembered any thing from over a week ago I basically got a negative in that section and that is about all that we have done today.
I have included some pictures of Star after being doctored.
The Reformed Family Bible Confrence
Every Year in June our family (or just some of our family it depends) go to the Reformed Family Bible Conference in Virgina. This year just us four younger kids went (Calvin, Robert, Johanna, and I) and we got to sit under the teaching of some of the greatest pastors, it was a real blessing and convicting. We also got to spend time with friends that we only see up there and had a wonderful time talking and playing with them. In the afternoon in between talks we would get together a Ultimate Frisbee game, and in the evening after the last talk for the day we would have some dancing which was lots and lots of fun. So for those of you who were there I loved seeing you and hope to see you again next year if not before for the rest of y'all I hope you can come next year and hear and learn from this great fountain of knowledge.
Hannah and
Johanna, and I.
Posted by Rebecca at 11:04 AM 4 Remarks
Labels: Family Conference, My Life, Travle
The Cat
This is the Cat.
You can often find him sleeping.
If he is not sleeping he is most likely eating.
If he is not eating or sleeping...be very afraid!
MacGyver came to us in October a cute little kitten crying on our porch, we brought him into the family and he is now our favorite little fur-ball; but don't be fooled under his soft fur and cute looks there is something else that has given him the nick name of "Evil Cat."
Yes, he can be very evil! But he can also be very silly and sleep in the oddest positions
and on windy Autumn days you can even catch him chasing leaves, but right now he has been having trouble with a local Mockingbird that has taken a great dislike to him and will often dive-bomb, peck him, and then fly off before he can catch him; it is really very funny to watch my cat get beat by a bird. MacGyver also has a joy in chasing toys on strings and can quickly destroy them and when the toy is gone he will every now and then revert to your hand instead.
I have now got a blog going, so maybe I will be a good faithful girl and keep posting on it! do not worry I am not starting this to try to get out of e-mailing y'all :) I just started it for fun so I shall still try to keep up with the e-mails :) As I think you all know I have four older siblings Jennifer Claire, John Calvin, Robert Lewis, and Johanna Rachelle; I also have one brother-in-law Christopher. My Dad and Mom's names are David and Connie Martinez; and my nephew's name is Cromwell Rutherford. I have one cat named MacGyver, fourteen chickens, the family has one dog named Maverick, and my oldest sister has two horses, Star and Kate, only she took them with her when she got married, :( but they do still come over for visits every now and then. I and my family live on a little over a acre of land out past Robstown and we also have 5.8 acres out in Calallen we do not have cows but my sisters and I sometimes will go to a friends ranch and help herd his cows which is alot of fun! :D My two favorite pastimes are reading and crocheting and I find that I spend lots of time doing those things, I also like keeping up with baseball although I don't play it very often, I do however love playing Frisbee with my friends and I greatly enjoy archery. I think this will work for the introduction I will try to get some more post up soon!
The Crazy Texan~