Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturdays events

Do not worry, I am still planning on doing the post about our trip to Dallas as soon as I get some more things. So please stay with me a little longer.

Today started off well but began going down hill first with the tree: Now the tree goes back a long time. Several years ago we dug up a small cratmerdal seedling from our pool area and not knowing what to do with it at the time so we put it in a pot and set it in one of our rock garden. Well as you can guess in three+ years it grew a lot and started to get in the way so today mom decided that we would plant it in the front yard. Well that was all good and fine till we went to pick up the tree and quickly found out that in the years it had grown in more ways then up. So after one hour of digging one broken shovel and several broken roots the plant came out of the ground and I took it over to the hole that was waiting for it and after we cut the pot off of it thought that we were done with problems from that section of our lives went to the potting soil and started to dump some of it in the hole and out along with the soil came lots and lots of roaches! Well as you can guess we all started focusing on not letting any of the pest get away to were they could do any damage and after 20 minuets got them pretty well under control. After that before we even got the plant in the ground problem number two came bonding up in the form of my sister Johanna telling us that Star our oldest sister's hurt horse we've been taking care of was laying down in her stall. So we quickly went over to the stall and even though Star got up she was not putting any weight on her hurt leg. She also was totally not interested in grass. (Note for those who might not know. If a horse does not want to eat that is a very bad sign because horses are one of the most greedy animals living.) After a bit of being out in the Pasteur she walked back to her stall and stood still and then tried to lie down a few more times we were very much worried at this time because she was acting very lethargic and uninterested in anything. Thankfully our neighbour is a Vet. and was willing to come over and take a look at her and told us that she is slightly colicy which is one of the reasons she was laying down and also because since it is so muddy her leg was hurting more from the extra work and was needing to rest her other three legs since she was not putting weight on the hurt one. So it was good to know that nothing to major had gone wrong and he also gave her a shot to help with the pain in her stomach and leg. So Star seems to be doing ok we just need to keep an eye on her to make sure she does not get any more colicy. So a boring day became a rather stressful day in a matter of two hours. "Sigh" I am glad it is over with and all seems to be well. Oh and BTW we did finely get that tree in the ground.

The Crazy Texan~

2 Remarks:

Lauren said...

Wow Becca,
It looks like you all had a busy day! I'm afraid I cannot top it, maybe tomorrow :) You never know what's going to happen, especially in big families!
Lauren Ashley

Hannah Leigh said...

Hi CRAZY Texan!
I was on Savannah's blog and saw some of the pics., that looked fun!
Oh, and as a side note....does Robert have a beard?????(Saw that on the pics....:)

Talk to you later!