Okay so it has taken me a while to get this up but late is better then never. (most the time)
On Friday the 6th a Fed Ex truck caught on fire in our next door neighbors driveway fortunantly nobody was hurt but quite a few people lost there packeges.
These are the pictures that Jo and I took of the excitement.
8 Remarks:
Oh my goodness!!!I am so glad no one got hurt!! It looks soo scary!!how did it start?
Hey Savannah,
The Fed Ex guy said that as he was walking back to his truck after dropping his package off he saw that it was smoking so he went to back it out of our neighbors driveway. We he tried to start the engine it caught on fire. That is all I know about it. It was a very interesting experience though. :)
BTW I heard that y'all were thinking about coming down in December! I hope that works out! It will be so much fun! Can't wait to see you!
Love you,
Rebecca Marie
Good Grief! That's completely bizarre!
There's never a lack for excitement at the Martinez 'ouse, thats all I 'kin say. (Except for that I'm glad I wasn't mailing Jo anything in that truck, I would have been LIVID!!!)
Another thought;
Why do things like this never happen in our neighbors driveway? We never get any entertainment out of THEM. Begrudging scroogish tight-fisted insectoids! The closets THEY come to entertaining is groovin' while mowin' the lawn. Not very interesting and it gets old.
No, no, they are good people. I'm just a weird one for kicks, romantic tied-to-train-track thrills, near death experiences....
I'm leaving before the Lizard takes over.
Definitely leaving... Ooooh - its tingling in my spine. Yep, I'm gone.
Wow, I came that close to having at least 20 comments on my post?:D
LOL! If you want more excitement just try lunching a few fireworks at the next Fed Ex truck that comes along, and be sure to post the pictures. :)jk
Can't wait till y'all come down.
See you next month,
Rebecca Marie
Did you all ever call FedEX and tell you had this footage? It might help the investigators.
I'm glad no one was hurt!
Good idea Becca! Only then I would get to write about white cell walls, or, worse, padded white cell walls, for the next fifteen years or so. I wonder what the sentence is for incinerating a Fed Ex truck? Is it less if its empty? (Of packages I mean! I would NEVER try to incinerate a Fed Ex driver!)
I can't wait to see you all again soon!
Lauren Ashley
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