Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Well I was bored so I decided to make up a quiz thing to see how well y'all know me. Now if you end up wondering how I came up with some of the questions I shall tell you right now, my brothers and sister helped me come up with almost all of them. Hope y'all enjoy taking the test, even if it is kinda odd. :) I will post the answers to the quiz some other time.

P.S Please leave your score in a comment.

8 Remarks:

Lauren said...

Well Becca, I took the test and got 100 out of 150, or 61 %. I left you a comment to find out the answers to the one I got wrong!

Here is a link to the friend test I created in reply.


Lauren said...

I meant to say, "ones" I got wrong!

Argentia Krystofel said...

Well...I didn't do too well. I got 60 out of 150. But I still don't know you very well! :)
I also made one-http://www.truefriendtest.com/friendtest/2132159

I wonder if you will do better on mine than I did on yours...T.T

Lauren said...

I'm leaving this comment on your blog Becca, because I'm not sure if Jo "Martin" gets email up-dates on hers, and I know you might be checking this post.

Its ok about the score Jo dear! I made it pretty hard, I only dyed my hair RED once actually.(The other times were an attempt to get rid of the red. All mothers fault:) And Albertsons was actually more embarrassing than the bloodsucking ordeal. Peaches are my favorite fruit, and I have rode an electric scooter!

I can't remember the others!Now you just need to create a really hard test for me to try!


SavannahLynn said...

I cant remember... I think it was 80 or 85? lots of fun! now you go take mine!

Rebecca said...

Hey y'all,
Sorry I have not responded to any of the comments sooner, I know it is awful of me to have you leave comments then not leave one myself. :)

Lauren: I will be posting the answers after I get back from I.L but since I will be seeing you before then I can just tell you. :)

Autumn: Don't feel bad about it at all, you did much better on mine then I did on yours. Hopefully in the coming years we can get to know each other better! :)

Savannah: Sorry I have not taken your I started to then got called away but I am going to feel it out right now! I promise. :)

Thank y'all for doing the test. Love you'all,
Rebecca Marie

SavannahLynn said...

I'll send you an email in reply!

Marks of Faith said...

:P I took your test...then was told to log in to see my score...and it won't show me my score so phewy! I think I got them mostly right anyway...except the Halo one -rolling eyes