Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I am doing this post because my blog is kinda like the dairy of my life and there would be a gape in it if I did not make some mention of the past month and all my trips to the doctor. I have been going to the doctor so much because I have a nodule on my thyroid, it does not look like anything major but just to be safe they have been doing some test on it. Now I am first going to start off with just a list of things I have learned about doctors and being around them.

1. If you go into the doctor for a cough you might have treatments given to you for something completely different.

2. It is a bad sign when the doctor stops talking in mid sentence and stares at your throat dumbly for a few seconds.

3. Having your blood drawn is not that bad.

4. Ultrasounds are pretty cool.

5. Doctors love to make you wait on them.

6. Sometimes doctors do things that seem completely unneeded.

7. Doctors really like to push Botox cosmetic and Juvaderm. (Highly annoying, I have had to see more advertisements for those two things then I want to remember)

8. It feels really weird to swallow with a needle stuck in your throat.

9. Be thankful that they cover your face when doing a needle biopsy.

10. No mater how much the nurse and doctor talk about the needle they are about to use and how small it is they can somehow fail to mention that they are going to stick you five times after sticking you with the one to numb you.

11. Never take prayer for granted, looking back I don't know how I managed to stay calm through my needle biopsy, the best answer I can give is that God answered the prayer of friends and family who were asking that I have peace through the whole thing.

Looking back after my last doctor trip which was yesterday, I can see how easy it is to underestimate things, I went to the needle biopsy thinking it would be nothing at all, one needle to numb me then one more to get whatever it was they needed, I was blowing it off. I was wrong. Although it really was not that bad, towards about the third time I felt the pressure of the doctor putting in the needle I was starting to hope it would be over soon, it was starting to hurt a bit and the sound of the tearing tissue was really bothering me. After the fourth the nurse said that was it but the doctor looked over his samples and said he thought he needed a little bit more and would have to do it a fifth time, I really did not want them to do it a fifth time and that is when I fully appreciated everyone who was praying for me.

I would really like to thank my mom who stayed in the room with me during the whole thing, Pastor Otis, Mr. Bernhard, my Dad, and sister for coming to hospital to encourage me, and everyone who prayed for me. It really does mean a lot to me.

14 Remarks:

Marks of Faith said...

Hey Baby Girl,
That is a wonderful post; I am glad God has been using this ordeal to teach you to lean on Him for all things. I can TOTALLY relate to #3-7. And, though my experiences have been a little bit different, #11 hits home too. I am so glad that you are doing well and that you are no long sore. We are still praying for you and look forward to seeing you soon. I know where to find me if you need me. And, I'll be checking on you regularly.

Rebecca said...

Thank you so much Jen, I really appreciate all the encouragement you have given me in all this.

I love you a lot,
Rebecca Marie

SavannahLynn said...

I'm sooo sorry Becca!!! I had no idea you were going threw this! How are you feeling now? Is it still serious?
I'm praying for you as always!!
Your Friend and sister in Christ,

Rebecca said...

Hey Savannah,
No, it does not look like it is serious, right now it looks like the most they might do is put me on some medicine. Thank you for the prayers I love you a lot. :)

Rebecca Marie

Lauren said...

Oh Rebecca!

This just goes to show that its been too long since I last called Johanna! - I think I'm going to stick to the once every two weeks plan :) I can't believe we didn't know about this!

I'll be praying for you, especially that you would have peace while this is all unresolved. I know what its like to deal with doctors...grrrr...they can be so frustrating sometimes! And yes, they definitely love to have you wait on them - I think my record was an hour and a half of waiting room time... I wouldn't mind so much if they didn't also ask you to come early.

Let us know what the results are when you get them back! I love you!

Lauren Ashley
~Psalms 20~
~Philippians 2:3-4~

Rebecca said...

Hi Lauren,
I think we need to call y'all more often to sorry that we did not let y'all know before hand. Thank you for your prayers, I will be sure to let you know what the test results are, I should be getting them back on Tuesday.
By the way, when do we get to see y'all again?

Rebecca Marie

Lauren said...

Hmmm, hopefully we can get together sooner than later :) I know we won't be able to make a trip down any time in the near future with the new baby coming...He is due in the beginning of March!

I accidentally gave you the wrong scripture verse from Philippians - its supposed to be Philippians 4:6-7 :)

I love you!
In Christ,
Lauren AShley

Stephanie L.S. said...

I agree with you about the doctors doing totally unecessary things! You pretty much have to question them about EVERYTHING to keep that from happening.

Mia said...

Dear Rebecca,

I'm so, so sorry you have had to go through all this! Our Savior is truly our very present help in trouble, isn't He?

You will be in my family's prayers.

Rebecca said...

Thanks y'all. I just got back the test results today, and there is no sign of cancer in the nodule but because of its size hardness and my age it looks like they are going to have to remove it. I am going to another doctor again soon to get a second opinion on the subject. Thanks for all the prayers.

Rebecca Marie

Anonymous said...

If nodule is smaller then 1.5 cm it can be monitored ; the nodule like this are removed if they are growing rapidly.

Rebecca said...

The nodule is 5x3x4.5cm and hard, so yes it looks like it is going to be removed.

Cricket said...

Dear Rebecca,

Consider yourself well hugged! We're praying and can't wait to see you all at the conference!

Kenneth Hunter Burk said...

Thank you for posting your experience Becca, I dont think every doctor is like that. Lets hope not anyway.